Read & Publish

Read & Publish, also known as a transformative agreement, is an open access model that bundles payment for reading access and payment for publishing into a single contract.

UT Health San Antonio Library participates in several Read & Publish agreements which aim to serve authors and the wider community by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed open access (OA) content. This waives publishing fees for authors who wish to publish in open access.

Benefits for Authors

  • Take advantage of an institutional agreement that covers your open access publishing fee or provides a discount
  • Publish under a Creative Commons license to determine how readers can use your article
  • Increase visibility for your research, leading to higher citations, wider reach and global impact.

The Library’s Role

The library proactively supports transformative agreements with publishers when the agreement is financially viable and provides the faculty with comprehensive open publishing options.

Transformative agreements also foster community stewardship through open access and shift away from paid subscriptions that place published research articles behind paywalls. In addition, these agreements help faculty who have research grants which may require the publication of research in an open-access journal.

The library does not currently fund article processing charges (APCs) but encourages UT Health San Antonio affiliates to take advantage of these APC discounts.

American Physiological SocietyAPCs waived at 100%
American Society for MicrobiologyAPCs waived at 100%
Annual ReviewsAPCs waived at 100%
Biochemical SocietyAPCs waived at 100%
Cambridge JournalsAPCs waived at 100%
Company of BiologistsAPCs waived at 100%
Elsevier OA10% or 15% discount on APCs, depending on the journal
Institute of PhysicsAPCs waived at 100%
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and ActionAPCs waived at 100%
Sage PremierAPCs waived at 100%
WileyAPCs waived at 100%
* See Publisher Details for additional information.