Coming to the Library: Before I Die Interactive Art Wall, May 8 – 16
Candy Chang is an artist who has made an international impact with her reflective, public art projects. She is probably most famous for her Before I Die walls which have been featured in major cities all over the world. While the architecture of each wall is slightly different the concept is simple: a wall of wood, paper, or concrete is painted black and then stenciled with the prompt “before I die I want to…”.
In conjunction with the community viewing of the FRONTLINE special on Atul Gwande’s Being Mortal on Tuesday May 16 in the Pestana Lecture Hall, a Before I Die wall will be placed on display in the library to stir UT Health San Antonio and the broader community to participate in an open discussion on the meaning of life.
The library wall will consist of black butcher paper on large poster board displays. The paper will have the prompt “before I die I want to…” in white. Visitors to the library wall will be encouraged to use provided chalk to publicly engage in the contemplation of life and death.
For more information about the “Before I Die” project and photos of these walls from around the world, please visit: