Message from the New Executive Director Pat Hawthorne

Welcome to the 2024 – 2025 academic year from The Libraries of the University of Texas Health San Antonio! The start of a new academic year brings fresh challenges and opportunities for learning, growth, and change. The momentous announcement on August 22 about the integration of UT Health San Antonio and UTSA will make this year an exciting one with many challenges and opportunities.
As the new Executive Director of Libraries for UT Health San Antonio, I feel a bit like a new student arriving on campus – I am excited to be here AND I have a lot to learn about this amazing institution. Since I arrived on August 1st, I have been impressed and inspired by the caliber and dedication of individual students, faculty, and staff.
Supporting student success and the teaching, research, and clinical activities of faculty and staff is our primary purpose in the Libraries. Our mission is to promote learning, inspire discovery, and connect with our communities. We accomplish this by delivering high-quality resources to support teaching, learning, research, and clinical care. Our helpful, knowledgeable, and talented library staff provide expert help – either in person or virtually – to individuals and work to assist students, residents, faculty, clinicians, and staff in finding high-quality information. We work with colleagues throughout the campus, within the UT System, and beyond to foster partnerships and collaborate in support of the institutional mission and initiatives.
With the start of the new year, we are welcoming new students and residents and reconnecting with returning students and faculty and staff. Whether you are a student, resident, faculty member, or staff member, I hope you will reach out to me or individual library staff members to learn more about library services and resources. Our librarians provide expert help to anyone seeking information for learning, teaching, research, and clinical needs.
The Dolph Briscoe, Jr. Library provides study and collaborative spaces for students from all six schools in addition to housing the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library on the 5th floor of Briscoe Library. We hope you will stop by and visit the Library which is open 24/7. Our primary goal is to make the library a welcoming, comfortable, and safe space for members of the University community to explore, discover, reflect, contemplate, teach, learn, and create. Our library website is your starting point – log in to access library resources and to connect with a librarian or library staff member for expert assistance, and more.
We welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions at any time – please reach out to me to introduce yourself and share your feedback and suggestions. Over the coming months, I look forward to meeting more of you and learning about your work.
We wish you all the best for an amazing year!
Pat Hawthorne
Executive Director of Libraries