Archives Collections
Cupples Casebooks
Two handwritten casebooks by Texas surgeon George Cupples, complete with patient notes and reports on both medical and surgical cases between 1853 and 1867. Cupples was a Scotish-born surgeon who moved to Texas in 1844, and subsequently served as surgeon for the Texas Rangers in the Mexican War and then for the Confederate Army.
Founding Faculty Interviews
A series of interviews produced by the University of Texas Health Science Center, Development Office. The interviews are now part of the University Archives collection and can be viewed online through Internet Archive.
Historical Bexar County Medical Society Membership Records
Part of a Rescuing Texas History mini-grant, which helps fund the digitization of unique archival collections. These grants are funded by the University of North Texas Libraries and digitized collections are made available through the Portal To Texas History.
Historical Books about Texas
Part of a Rescuing Texas History mini-grant, which helps fund the digitization of unique archival collections. These grants are funded by the University of North Texas Libraries and digitized collections are made available through the Portal To Texas History.
Hurricane Beulah Photograph collection
A collection of photographs documenting the aftermath of Hurricane Beulah, which made landfall near the mouth of the Rio Grande River as a Category 3 hurricane on September 20, 1967. Hurricane Beulah caused extensive damage across South Texas, and left 10,000 refugees stranded for several weeks. Dr. Mario E. Ramirez was the only physician in the area, and was instrumental in the initial recovery process. The Hurricane Beulah project was funded a Library Technology Award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM).
James Holly, M.D. Web Archive
A web archive of over 66,000 web pages that showcase Dr. James L. Holly’s transformation on primary care. Dr. Holly, a distinguished alumnus of UTHSCA School of Medicine, practiced for over 40 years and built the world-renowned Southeast Texas Medical Associates (SETMA), an innovative and transformative patient-centered medical home and multi-specialty clinic which changed the course and future of medicine.
Louie Lapicque Papers
A collection of professional papers, research notebooks, and personal manuscripts of renowned, early 20th-century French physiologist Louis Lapicque. Louis Lapicque was a pioneer in the field of neural excitability. One of his main contributions was to propose the integrate-and-fire model of the neuron in an article published in 1907. This model is still one of the most popular models in computational and mathematical neuroscience. The Lapicque concepts of excitability and nerve transmission form a part of the basic framework of modern neurophysiology.
P.I. (Pat Ireland) Nixon Papers
A collection of personal papers, books, and photographs about the life of doctor P.I. Nixon. Dr. Nixon was a well-known physician in San Antonio who was a skillful writer and researcher, and is recognized as a prominent historian of Texas medicine. The P.I. Nixon Historical Library is the namesake of doctor P.I. Nixon.
Talks on History and Health
A collection of audio and video interviews, lectures and presentations on the history of medicine and healthcare.