Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library

The Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library are committed to the development and use of an exceptional collection of books and manuscripts relating to the history of medicine and the health sciences. The Friends have a deep appreciation for the Nixon Library’s remarkable rare book collection and have joined together to see that the Special Collections are preserved, augmented, and introduced to those who have not yet discovered them.The collection was established through the efforts of Dr. Pat Ireland Nixon (1883-1965), who was born in Guadalupe County, attended Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and later built a practice in San Antonio. Your support of the Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library helps to assure that we will be able to maintain, build and promote the use of the collection, both on the campus of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and in the academic communities of the surrounding area.
The Friends group meets periodically throughout the year for lectures and host an annual dinner presentation in November.
Interested in learning more about the history of medicine? Join the Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library group. The Nixon Library has an active Friends group that meets regularly to view presentations and discuss a variety of topics about the history of medicine. Membership in the Friends is open to everyone! Dues are $10 per year for students, $25 for individual members, and $50 for patrons. The Friends always welcome new members. If you have any questions please contact the Special Collections staff at or call 210-567-2403. Become a member!
Friends Executive Board, 2023-2024
- President: Anand Karnad, MD
- Vice-President/President-Elect: Cody Hart, MS3
- Past President: Yolanda Crous, MS2
- Treasurer: Andrea N. Schorr, MSIS
- Secretary: Diane Fotinos, MLS
- Member at Large: Supreet Kaur, MD
- Member at Large: Elizabeth Bowhay, MD
- Student Member at Large: Michael De La Rosa, MS3
The Friends Annual Newsletter gives a recap of the year’s activities, lists current members and past presidents, mentions recent acquisitions, and provides information on forthcoming events.